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'O'Reilly's Golden Sunset' - Lamington National Park, S.E. Qld

'If' is a powerful word for fiction writers. We might even claim it is a magical portal. We ask ourselves 'What if...?' and create a unique world that comes from within ourselves and outside ourselves.

So, what is a story? D.V. Swain (adapted) attempts to define it:

A story is so many things-
It's experience translated into literary process.
It's words strung onto a screen or paper.
It's a succession of motivations and reactions.
It's a chain of scenes and sequels.
It's a double-barrelled attack upon your readers.
It's movement through the eternal now, from past to future.
It's people given life.
It's the triumph of ego over fear of failure.
It's merchandise that goes hunting for a buyer.
It's new life, shared with readers by a writer.
A story is all these things and more.
For a story, in the last analysis, is you, unique and individual.
You, writer, who through your talent create a larger world, giving life new meaning to all who choose to read.
You: writer.
Attain that status, and you win fulfilment enough for any human being.

From 'Techniques of the Selling Writer" by Dwight V. Swain

I hope you enjoyed reading this short piece on 'What is a Story?" Has it lifted your spirits and motivation to keep entering your own magical World of 'If?'

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Lynne Lloyd Moss


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