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Lynne Lloyd

Lynne and grandson Tailyn Pieters, 3 days old

Some things in life never leave us. Our mother’s love for one. It is sealed within the pores of our skin and deep down in the cells of our body. Even though for many of us our mothers are no longer in this world, we can close our eyes and conjure them up at will. My mother’s smile appeared in her eyes as well as her mouth, such kind blue eyes showed her humility and gentle compassion. From time to time, however, she revealed a hint of fire in how she pressed her lips together and in the clench of her jaw. Her career was wife and mother and, as our Dad wrote in one of his poems, ‘she was like no other.’

As we approach another Mothers Day, Sunday 14th May, I am conscious of how the lottery of life turned out for me, my brother and two sisters. We scored the most wonderful mum and dad, the best gift you can ever receive. That lottery could just as easily have swung the other way. My feelings are how blessed we were, and are, to know our mothers and grandmothers and for them to be involved in our lives. There are many beautiful memories we can draw down at any time. Just by going to a quiet spot and closing our eyes.

It is true that Mothers Day is a very difficult day for some mothers as it brings to the surface sad, even tragic, memories. Mothers who have lost a baby or child, mothers who have a disabled child, mothers who are estranged from their adult children, mothers whose children were taken off them and adopted out by the morality police and bureaucrats in the bad old days that are not that long ago. Regarding the latter, some birth mothers have found their children again as adults but some never again lay eyes on their child. There is no healing for such a deep wound.

What we say about a mother’s love that has not already been said previously in ten thousand ways? Raising a child is a big ‘ask’ – it demands everything we’ve got, and then some. In the years I was raising my two children, for the most part as a single parent, my parents helped me in practical ways and by always being there for emotional support. Seriously, I don’t know how I would have managed single parenthood without them.

While it is lovely to receive flowers, cards and presents on Mothers Day, what mothers really want is the presence of their children and grandchildren around the table, everyone yakking and laughing ninety-to-the-dozen. If you are thinking about what you can give your Mum, may I suggest giving her a book written by mothers about mothers. I recommend the following books which have been edited and/or published by LLOYD MOSS editing and publishing:

'Sheila' is a biography that reads like a suspenseful novel. It is the story of a little girl who grew up in Scotland without a mother or a father. Later she finds out who her father is, but (no spoilers!) let’s just say with a father like him, you would rather not have a father. But there is incredible strength and determination in this small child, Sheila, who suffers further exploitation as an adult. You will probably shed a tear or two but it will also make you laugh. 'Sheila,' is an incredibly uplifting read. Available in paperback - Order here.

In this novel, a middle-aged woman gives birth to a daughter. Only a few weeks later she commits a shocking crime which carries heavy consequences across the generations. Three women are linked forever: Marilyn who is carrying deep wounds from her childhood, Suzie who suffers a devastating loss and Shondrae who struggles to find her place in the world. A page turner, it keeps one on tender hooks. Available in paperback and - Order here.

How will you be honouring your Mum this Mothers Day, Sunday 14th May? Please drop me a line - I'd love to hear from you.

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To all the mothers and grandmothers, have a very Happy Mothers Day on the 14th May,

Doing the write thing (and lovin' it!) : -)


Lynne Lloyd

Managing Editor and Publisher

LLOYD MOSS publishing

Telephone/Text 0421 998749

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